
Just an update...

So the last week or so has been fairly busy... I shot the Swim Canada Spring National Championships, an event that, sadly, I don't think a single media outlet cared about... Seems kinda silly to me, what with new Canadian records being set and all, but then, I've never understood why some sports are more important than others... Of course, the world's were going on in Melbourne at the same time, so that stole a lot of attention as well, but still...

Not much else has been going on. I've had a couple of shoots for PR companies and such, but nothing overly exciting of late... My dad and I had an absolutely fascinating interview yesterday for an upcoming Hume & Hume. I can't really go posting about it until after it goes to press, but for those of you with any kind of interest in cryptography, make sure you flick through The Monitor section of the TC on April 8.